Chiefdom Headquarter: Njagbwema
This chiefdom traces its history to Aiah Kontandey M’briwa, a warrior who established himself in the area. Aiah is likely to have arrived with Kaimachiende M’ba, of Gbense chiefdom. A son of Aiah, Sahr Kontandey M’Biriwa, was head of the area at first contact with the British and broke off from Gbense to lead in independent chiefdom in 1913. The current chief is Sahr Youngai. He was elected in 2002. The previous chief, Sahr Sanga M’Biriwa was murdered during the war in 1993.

Chiefdom Speaker

Paramount Chief

Chiefdom Representative

Assistant Chiefdom Representative
Chiefdom : Registration Form
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