Chiefdom Headquarter: Kamiendor
Mafindor chiefdom borders Guinea along the river Maleh. It traces its history to a warrior named Suluku Handupor, a Kono who led the chiefdom throughout the 19th century, and was recognized by the British as chief in 1891. It was famous battle, which likely occurred in the 1880s, he deterred the Sofa from the north led by Mori Turay. After the death of chief Sahr Lamin Musa in 1948, this chiefdom was briefly administrated by the chief of Gbane Kandor chiefdom. It became independent again under the leadership of chief Kekura Lyod Musa in 1959. The current chief is Abu M’bawa Kongbora, who was elected in 1986. He played a leadership role in the early part of the war, joining the Kono Council of Paramount Chiefs organized with the consent of the NPRC in 1994. He fled to Guinea during the war between 1997 and 2001.

Chiefdom Speaker

Paramount Chief

Chiefdom Representative